A Tough Old Time in Dili
trying to get the bike working outside the port some small helpers... We were in Kupang, straight off the 20 hour ferry, hurriedly trying to negotiate the repair of one defunct starter motor so we could cross the border before the visas ran out. It was weekend. The mechanics were all shut. The mechanics themselves were no doubt out singing hymns in one of the makeshift churches someone had thoughtfully erected outside our room. We were stuck. So we did what any good Brit does when stuck, and wandered off to find a pub... At the nearest bar, forty hefty lads from the Australian navy thwacked each other on the back and insulted each other's genitalia. We got chatting to a young engine-repairer who decided we were Dutch. They were on a secret reconaissance mission in Indonesian waters. It was somewhat less secret after six Bintang beers. We watched gleefully as their Captain got very involved with a young Indonesian ladyboy...